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Trelasa’s design pays tribute to her cultural legacy, incorporating personal variations of common Pomo basketry patterns. She explains, “I made sure to include Tsokóoko, or Quail, someone deeply significant to our people. I think about Uncle Jimmy enjoying an evening beer and watching their head plumes peek out from behind the bushes.
"My grandpa and great uncle walked the delicate line between these two worlds: one holding steadfast to the Indigenous way of life, and the other navigating survival through assimilation. This project represents the meeting point of these worlds—an evolution of California's history. It is a space where the past is honored, and the best of both worlds come together to forge a path forward." |
"The design around the tank is inspired by Pomo basket patterns, featuring the bear claw to show each cardinal point (North, South, East, West) and a set of triangles at the bottom representing the turtle's back, an ode to slowing down and truly absorbing our surroundings. The composition includes Middletown's natural residents—key animals significant to the environment, and Pomo culture: deer, rabbit, red-tailed hawk, black bear, flicker, and valley quails. Each element actively participates in the region's ecological tapestry, symbolically integrated to emphasize the deep connections between the Pomo people's cultural heritage and the natural environment, enhancing the traditional craft and contemporary message of the composition."
“It’s a daunting project, but years of experience give me the confidence to tackle such a feat,” says Piña. Known for his charming and personable nature, he approaches this project with a blend of enthusiasm and expertise. For the Water Basket project, Xavier and his crew had to employ “Egyptian style” techniques, using ropes, radii, and markers to lay out the intricate design. His carpentry skills have been invaluable, as the project requires precise measurements and strong math skills to handle the many angles involved. Despite the summer heat, the team follows the shade around the water tank to stay cool, noting that the tanks themselves are surprisingly cool to the touch. Reflecting on his large-scale painting projects, Xavier remarked, “It’s like they just naturally flow out of me.”
Call for work and the six selected designs the moved to public input.
The six designs that moved to public input.
Artistic elements sought:
• Geometric, symbolic or graphic designs inspired by Pomo basketry • Elements that reflect the area’s history, people, and ecology may be integrated including animals and plants native to local ecosystems. • Strong positive/negative space relationships • Traditional Pomo colors red, orange, yellow, brown, black, straw/ochre; minimal additional hues. The background color of the smaller tank will be painted a kind of yellowish beige (resembling dried grasses). Artist may have input on the background color. The larger tank is currently a light neutral green tint (like seagrass). • Dynamic composition • Continuity – top to sides and around • Easily decipherable from afar and above • Calls attention to the hill and local ecology |