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Join the Earth Day Upcycle Challenge, or be a Vendor at Earth Day @Calpine!
Got a creative way to give old items new life? Whether it’s fashion, furniture, tech, tools, or art—turning "trash" into treasure is your time to shine!
How It Works:
Got a creative way to give old items new life? Whether it’s fashion, furniture, tech, tools, or art—turning "trash" into treasure is your time to shine!
How It Works:
- Click to SIGN UP or use the QR code. It's Free!
- Bring your upcycled creation and either present it or leave it for display.
- Prizes for different categories, including: People's Favorite, most inventive; most fun, most beautiful, most useful and more!
UPCYCLE Contest and Vendor sign up below.
Please click the next button for full UPCYCLE form
Please click the next button for full UPCYCLE form
This project was made possible with Calpine and Garden Projects.